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Technology for Spoken English

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 3 years, 8 months ago


Technology for Spoken English





Abstract:  Many English language teachers and their students are unable to speak English fluently and accurately. Technology can facilitate the process by providing practice. This EVO21 session provides various tools to practice and improve spoken English with fluency and accuracy. 



Target audience: 


Participants of Technology for Spoken English (T4SE) will be introduced to various web and mobile technologies to help learners practice speaking skills


Target audience  

  • Teachers of English 



By the end of this session:


  1. Participants will have become familiar with various web and mobile technologies that facilitate spoken English.
  2. Participants will have practiced various technologies to enhance speaking skills. 
  3. Participants will have reflected on the various tools.






Week 1: (January 11 - 17) 

In week 1, participants will:


  1. get acquainted with each other, the moderators, and the platform.
  2. learn about Netiquette Netiquette
  3. fill in a short online survey on reflecting own knowledge 
  4. sign up for free Flipgrid and Padlet accounts
  5. Watch a Youtube video on apps for foreign language learning.
  6. Try out a  language learning app.
  7. Discuss language apps in the classroom. 



Week 2: (January 18 - 24)

In week  2, participants will: 


  • learn about and try out various language tools for listening and speaking practice.
  • discuss and reflect on the tools and how they apply to learning outcomes. 


Various Language Tools to Improve Language Speaking Skills:


  1. Awabe
  2. Beeling
  3. LearnEnglish Audio and Video
  4. Busuu
  5. Duolingo
  6. English Speaking Practice                                             
  7. Hello English 




Week 3: (January 25 - 31)


In week 3, participants will: learn about and try out various language tools for listening and speaking practice. discuss and reflect on the tools and how they apply to learning outcomes. Various Language Tools to Improve Language Speaking Skills:


  1.  HelloTalk
  2.  Learn English Daily
  3.  Learn to Speak English
  4.  Lingbe
  5.  Lingo blabla
  6.  Memrise
  7.  Speak English Conversation
  8. TalkEnglish


Week 4: (February 1 - 7)


In week 4, participants will use Toontastic to create a story with characters using their iPads or iPhone or Tablets and android phones.


Toontastic with Google free app



Week 5: (February 8 - 14)                                                                                                                                                                                              


Showcase and Reflect


In week 5, participants will reflect on the technologies used in weeks 1-4.  They will use a curation wall such as Padlet, Wakelet, or Miro. They will also fill in 2 online feedback surveys.  





  • Interactive space - Moodle comment (chat) box and discussion forums
  • Content space - Moodle course
  • Live meeting space - ZOOM and Jitsi directly from the Moodle 


Other technology tools:


  • Flipgrid 
  • Padlet
  • Wakelet
  • Miro 
  • Toontastic
  • Voki 


Join this session


Registration starts on Jan 3, 2021. 


To join this EVO session:


From January 3 - 10.


  1. Go to: http://moodle4teachers.org/course/view.php?id=316
  2. Log in the first and each time by clicking on one of the following social icons: Facebook, Microsoft, or Gmail on the login page: Login in with Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft 
  3. Enrol in https://moodle4teachers.org/course/view.php?id=316 



If you need further help on how to log in, please watch the following video:

How to Sign Up and Login (video)










Email address




Sudarshana  L Shirude



I am working as a primary teacher since 2004 in government school of Maharashtra in India. English is a second language here for learning. I have passed my masters degree in English. I am working as a tag coordinator of Tejas project run by British council in Maharashtra{India}. I have experience as mooc coordinator in my clusters.

Deutsch, Nellie (Ed.D)











































EFL teacher with experience teaching face-to-fac, in blended, and fully online. Practices mindfulness, Reiki, Falun Dafa, and the Alexander Technique. Provide free online professional development courses, MOOCs, conferences, and webinars on Moodle for Teachers https://moodle4teachers.org
Suchita R Mahorkar   srmahorkar@gmail.com

Basically a high school teacher, teaching English for 17 years and 3 years experience as SARP, State Academic Resource Person, English, for SIEM, India.

Working in this post have an experience of designing, executing and monitoring and evaluating projects throughout state. Been an active member for all projects run by institute on various levels. To maintain CPD and to share the knowledge are two main aims along with other that eventually comes. I am running Enhancing Mentoring Action Research, Maharashtra with 15 teachers who in turn help ⅘ teacher friends  to do Exploratory Action Research in first round. This project is the extension of Dr. Richard Smith’s EMR. As the need of the work I have developing my digital skills and trying to reach the teachers and help them solve their classroom challenges by arranging discussions on my own Teacher community group named Tejas Ambassadors every month, started webinars and shared you tube content and wrote few blogs.



Ajita Ganjale

ajitaganjale007@gmail.com    I have started my career as a government primary teacher in the year 2001. I am a graduate teacher fond of arranging many new creative activities in my class.i have done two Innovative ideas and also ranked there. Working as a Tag coordinator for British Council project running in Maharashtra, understanding and studying the barriers of speaking English language and trying to overcome them with some exercises and activities.


Primary Contact: (just one, please): Sudarshana Shirude




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