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Scientific Literacy and CLIL

Page history last edited by Jane Chien 3 years, 8 months ago


Session Title: 

Scientific Literacy and CLIL



Scientific literacy and CLIL session aims to provide novice CLIL practitioners a focus on implementing CLIL principles in bilingual science classes. As many countries throughout the world have been implementing CLIL to promote competitiveness of its citizens, bilingual science may be one of the most challenging subjects to be taught in English to EFL learners as science terminology and concepts may be more difficult to process in second or foreign language. This session aims to provide primary school teachers a platform to discuss how to promote scientific literacy with emphasis on how to provide support for English language learners. The sessions will be practice-oriented as opposed to a focus on theories of CLIL.


Target audience:


Primary school English teachers who are interested in teaching CLIL lessons in science

Subject teachers who are interested in teaching science in English

Researchers and professors who are conducting research in this area 


Session objectives:

By the end of this session, participants will have

  • an understanding of how to promote scientific inquiry with language support
  • resources to provide scientific language scaffold to English language learners 
  • understood the role of translanguaging in bilingual science class  
  • designed science lessons based on CLIL principles  



Week 1: (January 11 - 17) 

Introduction to scientific literacy and CLIL 

1.1 Video: What is scientific literacy and why is it important?

1.2 Video: What is CLIL and how can we teach science adopting a CLIL approach?

1.3 Read: Science Processing Skills and the P-O-E model for teaching science

1.4 Discuss: Share your thoughts on the reading and videos  

1.5 LIVE EVENT: 1/16 2 AM UTC

Participants get-acquainted and form science CLIL community 

Introduce Canvas and get familiar with the online platform  


Week 2: (January 18 - 24)

STEM Curriculum Design 

2.1 Video: How a STEM lesson on Art Bots engages learners in problem solving.  

2.2 Reading: Storyline and How to design a STEM curriculum

2.3 Task: Lesson Ideas on STEM

2.4 Live Workshop f2f & Zoom: 1/23 1AM - 3AM UTC (9am -12pm Taipei Time)


Week 3: (January 25 - 31)

Corpus Analysis of Language in the Science Classroom

3.1 Video: Teaching Scientific Argumentations and decide what vocabulary students should learn in science?

3.2 Read: Magnetism Lesson Plan and the implementation of Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER)

3.3 Video: Vocabulary Analysis using Lextutor.ca 

3.4 Task: Show your analysis

3.5 Discuss: How to provide scaffold to students learning science 

3.6 Live EVENT:  January 30th 2AM UTC (10:00 Taipei Time)


Week 4: (February 1 - 7)

Science lessons: Water cycle and rock cycle

4.1 Video: Water Cycle Science Lesson: Cloud lab experiment 

4.2 Video: Rock Cycle Science Lesson: Lab investigation

4.3 Task: Suggestions to improve the Science Lessons

4.4 Read: Science Lesson Template

4.5 Live Event: Feb 6th



Week 5: (February 8 - 14)

Science Lesson Plan Sharing and Wrap Up

5.1 Task: Share your Lessons and Decide who is presenting at TESOL's Best of EVO for our session

5.2 Live Event: Feb 13th, 2021




  • Interactive space: Canvas 

  • Content space: Canvas and Flipgrid

  • Live meeting space: Canvas 



To join our session, please go to:


Alternatively,  you can sign up at https://canvas.instructure.com/register and use the following join code: 7BDXMR



 Suggested sponsor(s): TESOL Call-Is, TESOL EFL-IS, NTUE Center for Research on Bilingual Education



Dr. Jane Chien



Jane Chien is an assistant professor and she serves as the director of the Center for Research on Bilingual Education at the National Taipei University of Education, Taipei Taiwan. She has devoted herself in pre-service primary school teacher training and in providing professional development in CLIL for in-service teachers.

Dr. Chin-Fen Chen



Dr. Chin-Fen Chen is the director of the Center for Teacher Education and Career Services at the National Taipei University of Education. She has devoted herself in promoting CLIL and bilingual education in primary schools throughout Taiwan. 
Dr. Jong-Pyng Michael Chyuan
michael@tea.ntue.edu.tw Taiwan Dr. Michael Chyuan is a professor in the Department of Natural Science Education of National Taipei University of Education. His expertise is in science education theory, science curriculum design and instruction, science education assessment, etc. He is currently doing teaching research on bilingual science teaching materials and methods for primary schools.

Dr. Jenny Chen



Dr. Jenny Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Children’s English Education at National Taipei University of Education. Her research area of interest is in young foreign language learners and has worked extensively towards training future elementary school English teachers.

Michelle Jose



Michelle Jose taught university chemistry in the Philippines. She now gives workshops on Science CLIL to primary school science teachers. 



Primary Contact:  Dr. Jane Chien, ychien@gmail.com




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