
Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach

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Saved by Helaine Marshall
on December 29, 2020 at 10:31:20 pm

Session Title: 


Using the Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach (SOFLA) for Language Teaching







The Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach (SOFLA) is a distance learning model that includes structured, interactive, multimodal activities, both asynchronous and synchronous. Participants will learn how to implement the eight-step learning cycle and will receive resources to guide them in using SOFLA.



Target audience:


Language teachers at all levels who are currently flipping their classes. If you are new to Flipped Learning, we encourage you to take the Flipped Learning in Language Teaching session instead. 



Session objectives: 


By the end of this session, participants will have…


  • Demonstrated understanding of each step of the SOLFA learning cycle (8 steps)
  • Modified an existing lesson in their repertoire to align with SOFLA
  • Incorporated the 4 E’s (Equity, Enrichment, Engagement, and Empowerment) into their SOFLA lesson






Week 1: (January 11 - 17): Getting acquainted with each other and with SOFLA


  • Participate:  Post and reply in our Getting to know each other - Introductions forum
  • Read: Managing major change - some principles: Equivalencies, Limitations, Advantages, Innovations 
  • Watch Laine's intro video about the 8-step learning cycle of SOFLA. 
  • Attend: SOFLA Workshop on "How to create a structured, interactive, multimodal video lesson as pre-work for SOFLA."   (Heike)
  • Join our Perusall "course" and orientation to Perusall (NOTE: make a student account and join EVO 2021 SOFLA Session with this code: MARSHALL-NKTZW) 


Optional but recommended

  • SOFLA: "The synchronous online flipped learning approach" found in Perusall. Write your comments and questions as you go. Be sure to check out the graphs at the end!...They are right after the references. 
  • Online Learning: Watch the interview "How to flip learning online" found in Perusall. (20 
  • Flipped Learning: If you are new to flipped learning, view the slideshow called "Beyond the Buzz" found in Perusall.
  • Perusall: If you are new to Perusall, watch the "Orientation to Perusall" video found on the Tutorials module. 
  • For a longer, text-based discussion of this week's Managing Major Change: Equivalencies, Limitations, Advantages and innovations, check out "Innovation under Pressure," pdf of a LINCS discussion facilitated by David Rosen found in Perusall.



Week 2: (January 18 - 24): SOFLA Steps 1 and 2 - Equity; Step 3 - Enrichment


  • Read:  Our Mantra - Creating Fertile Spaces - and the 4 E's: Equity, Enrichment, Engagement, Empowerment
  • Watch the videos about SOFLA Steps 1 to 3.   
  • Attend: SOFLA Workshop on "Demo SOFLA Lesson - Learning Japanese"   (Kazuko)
  • Build your SOFLA lesson: Create your own Pre-Work video following the guidelines (asynchronous component)
  • Build your SOFLA lesson: Design your Sign-In Activity and your Whole Group Application (synchronous component)


Optional but recommended: 

  • Flipped Learning (especially creating videos): "Jump-Start Your Flipped Learning: Nuts and Bolts"
  • Online Learning: Watch the interview "How to flip learning online" found in Perusall. (20 minutes)
  • Online Pedagogy: For a longer video-based version of the 4 E's, watch a webinar recording "Online Pedagogy - It's not just tech tools," found in Perusall.


Week 3: (January 25 - 31): SOFLA Steps 4 and 5 - Engagement

  • Read: Managing major change - some tips:  Persistence, Patience, Reflection, Renewal
  • Watch the videos for SOFLA Steps 4 and 5  
  • Attend  SOFLA Workshop on the Peer-Instruction/Peer Feedback component for a language classroom (Carolina)
  • Build your SOFLA lesson: Create your Breakouts activity and design a Share-Out with SHAC - Share, Help, Ask and Comment - for peer feedback.


Optional but recommended:

  • Peer Instruction: "TEIS Newsletter - March 2017 - Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach," which discusses Peer Instruction, found in Perusall. 
  • Watch the video by Khalid Fethi on SHAC Time - Share, Help, Ask and Comment 


Week 4: (February 1 - 7): SOFLA Steps 6,  7 and 8 - Empowerment



  • Read the article "Fostering Teaching Presence through the Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach by Marshall and Kostka, 2020" found in Perusall.  Respond to the article using SHAC: Share, Help, Ask and Comment alongside the text.
  • Watch the videos for Steps 6, 7 and 8 
  • Attend the SOLFA Workshop on "Using the SOFLA Rubric to analyze a language lesson for the 8-step learning cycle of SOFLA" (Heather?)
  • Build your SOFLA lesson: Add in your Preview and Discovery, Assignment Instructions, and Reflection Page


Optional but recommended 

  • See additional readings:  Check out the bibliography of the "Fostering..." article and select a reference to read or save for later
  • Examine the resources:  Sample SOFLA Workshop conducted by Heike -  description and results  



Week 5: (February 8 - 14) : Assessing SOFLA Lessons


  • Read:  Managing major change: Cultural Factors-resistance to SOFLA and the ICF: Intercultural Communication Framework
  • Conduct a peer assessment of another participant's SOFLA Lesson Instructions:
    • Find your name in document "Peer-assessment" and look for the lesson plan of your peer in the folder.] 
    • Examine the SOFLA lesson from the folder using the SOFLA Lesson Rubric and the SHAC peer feedback model.  
    • Add comments into the other participant's Google Doc 
    • If you are feeling adventurous and know how to do it, use Kaizena for audio comments 
  • Attend the SOFLA Workshop on "Converting your lessons to align with SOFLA" (Helaine)
  • Participate in the Wrap-up forum and tell us your reflections about SOFLA, what you learned and what you might change in your teaching, and how you might use SOFLA in the future. 
  • Fill out the Session Evaluation




  • Interactive space (CANVAS): Discussion forums inside of CANVAS (Introductions and Wrap-up)

  • Content space (CANVAS): Materials, Google Forms, Google Docs, Videos, etc. 

  • Live meeting space (Zoom):  SOFLA Workshops and Guest Speakers

  • Interactive content space with shared materials (PERUSALL)


Other technology tools: FlipGrid, Padlet, Edpuzzle, Playposit




Join this session!


The action starts on Jan 11, 2021.

But you can start exploring our pre-session activities as of January 3, 2021. 


1. Use this link to register to our session: 


2. Create an account in Canvas. 



Suggested sponsor(s): 


FLN (Flipped Learning Network)



British Council






Name (last, first)

Email address


(country of residence)


(max. 50 words)


Buitrago, Carolina R.


Bogotá, Colombia 

Carolina is a full-time professor at Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana-ÚNICA. She has been flipping her classes since 2014. Carolina has been a co-moderator of the Flipped Learning EVO session since 2015. 

Marshall, Helaine (LAINE) W. 


White Plains, NY USA

Laine is professor of education and director of language education programs at Long Island University (LIU) Hudson Campus.  She has been flipping her classes since 2011 and teaching online since 2008. She developed the Flipped Learning EVO in 2015. She combined online learning and flipped learning to design SOFLA in 2017.

Philp, Heike heikephilp@gmail.com Brussels, Belgium

Heike is CEO of let’s talk online sprl, based in Brussels, Belgium, an accredited teacher training center for language teaching and learning in real-time at a distance since 2005. She co-initiated four European funded projects: LANCELOT, AVALON, CAMELOT and GUINEVERE. Philp runs her own web conferences and co-owns spaces in various virtual environments.

Rubin, Heather

Rockville Centre,


Heather Rubin is the Administrative Coordinator for the NYSED Long Island Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (LIRBERN). She is passionate about flipped learning and creating digital age teaching environments that support English Learners. She is currently working on the second edition of ELL Frontiers: Using Technology to Enhance Instruction fo English Learners (Corwin, 2017) which will be published in September 2021.


Saito, Kazuko kazy.kannoto@gmail.com Eastchester, NY USA Kazuko Saito teaches Japanese at the City University of New York (CUNY) and at public middle school and high school.  She is a student of Dr. Marshall at LIU Hudson.  
Kazuko specializes in online language teaching and developed a fully online Japanese language course at the City University of New York (CUNY).    Kazuko is one of the founders and project leader of the CUNY-wide Collaboration and Innovation for the New Digital Era of Japanese Language Education (CCI-2020).


Primary Contact: 


 Helaine (LAINE) Marshall


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