Grammar for TESOL

Grammar for TESOL aims to provide some general theoretical and practical knowledge of grammar as well as some suggested tasks for beginner and experienced TESOL teachers to apply their understanding of that knowledge as they prepare for more interactive grammar lessons
Target Audience:
Beginner and experienced TESOL teachers
Session Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will have:
- reflected on and shared their beliefs about learning and teaching grammar
- acquired some foundational theoretical knowledge related to grammar and pedagogical grammar through interactive content
- applied their understanding of this knowledge through creating a grammar-focused lesson plan or activity using online tools
- practiced grammar-related error correction and feedback on sample student work
- set professional development goals related to what was covered in the session
Week 1: (January 11 - 17): During this week (Orientation and Introductions), participants will:
1. get acquainted with other participants and session moderators as well as the online platform and tools used for this session.
2. answer a short quiz on Netiquette
3. choose a metaphor for teaching grammar and explain their choice.
4. answer an online survey on some more specific aspects of grammar instruction, and respond to the results of the survey. A few resources will be posted for optional review before answering the survey.
Week 2: (January 18 - 24):
During this week (Teacher Knowledge), participants will:
1. review their understanding of grammar content knowledge using Quizlet and share their responses to a reading on grammatical terminology.
2. create a presentation to show their understanding of the difference between the content knowledge and the pedagogical content knowledge of a verb tense (e.g. the present perfect tense). Suggestions for online presentation tools: prezi, slideshare, emaze, or visme . They will share a link to their online presentation on the discussion forum and give and receive responses on these presentations. Some helpful media resources will be provided.
3. (optional) read and record their response to a blog entry on the knowledge of learners. They are invited to respond to its arguments and/or some of the suggestions and responses in the comments section of the blog.
4. provide mid-session feedback
Week 3: (January 25 - 31):
During this week (Practice: Grammar-Focused Lesson Planning and Material Development), participants will:
1. brainstorm characteristics of suitable materials for grammar instruction
2. check out some online tools that can be used for grammar instruction (Quizlet+ Kahoot+ Nearpod+Padlet)
3. watch a video, review a sample lesson plan and work in teams to complete a grammar-focused lesson plan template using an online collaboration tool and showcase their work to the whole team. (Participants will sign up for one of a list focus groups)
4. upload their team's lesson plan and give feedback on the other teams' lesson plans/activities
5. (optional) reflect on the feedback you have received
Week 4: (February 1 - 7):
During this week (Practice: Error Correction and Feedback), participants will:
1. answer a general survey on error correction and create a more focused survey (using Google Forms or Survey Monkey) that they share with colleagues and/or session participants to collect teacher perspectives on correcting grammar errors in your specific context.
2. (optional) review a reading on students’ beliefs and another on a teacher's perspective on error correction.
3. practice error correction and giving individualized feedback on a sample student writing, upload their annotated version and share their rationale in this week's discussion forum.
Week 5: (February 8 - 14)
During this week (Ongoing Professional Development and Session Wrap-Up), participants will:
1. explore observation as continual professional development using some broad criteria
2. review online opportunities for ongoing professional development
3. participate in the End-of-Session Wrap-up Activity
4. complete an End-of-Session Survey
- Interactive space (group/community/forum: Discussion Forum in Moodle)
- Content space (where the syllabus, readings, and videos will be: Moodle)
- Live meeting space (for synchronous events/webinars: Zoom)
Other technology tools for some reflective tasks and creating grammar activities: Quizlet; Kahoot; Jeopardylabs;Screencast-o-matic; VoiceThread; Etherpad; Wordle...
Other possible technology tools to be introduced and practiced with the participants (e.g., AboutMe for introductions, Audacity or Chirbit for recording audio..., etc.).
More will be added/change during the training session.
Join this session
Registration starts on Jan 3, 2021.
Suggested sponsor: TESOL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALLIS)
Moderators: Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.
Name (last, first)
Email address
Location (country of residence)
Biodata (max. 50 words)
Salem, Naglaa
Naglaa has taught English for Academic Preparation as well as Introduction to Literature, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication courses at the university and college level. She has presented and published on English-Arabic translation, second language acquisition in Arab learners, and teacher development. Naglaa is a TESL Ontario certified instructor and trainer.

Deutsch, Nellie |
Canada |
Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D. is a Canadian long distance teacher, runner, and healer. She has been teaching EFL in the public school system and at universities for over 40 years. Her teaching expertise include junior high school (ages 12-15) team leadership and adult teacher development. She also practices mindfulness, the Alexander Technique, the Paula Method, and Reiki in and out of the classroom. |
Watanabe, Masahito | |
Japan |
Wata (Masahito) has been teaching general English courses for university students more than thirty years in Japan. His general concern is English linguistics and second language acquisition. He is a translator of Grammar in Use Intermediate Third Edition (CUP), Language Links Pre-Intermediate (CUP), and the others.
Primary Contact: Naglaa Salem
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