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Digital Imagery and Designs




In the era of digital photography, it is absolutely necessary for everyone involved in the creation of digital images and process to understand the basics fundamentals. Whether you are an aspiring hobbyist, image retouches, a makeup artist, or an Art Director working with photographers and retouches.  Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an images, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image. Nowadays, image processing is among the rapidly growing technologies.  Generally speaking, most folks tend a lump image editing and image manipulation together. Image editing has more to do with optimizing a File’s dynamic range for the intended display media, optimizing the color saturation and color correctness, and potentially cropping the image to its best presentation format.Image manipulation on the other hand has to do with extracting elements from one photograph either to move them to another area of that photograph or to put them into a different photographic file with different elements. It has also to do with altering the direction and quality and text Rob Light, in a given photograph. It sometimes also has to do with simply illuminating individual elements of a photograph, like removing a person place or thing. So it is fundamentally to change the content of the frame where editing is fundamentally to optimize the content of the frame.


This is aimed at making participant a better designer. The practice marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Weekly design challenges test your ability to apply those ideas to solve real problems. This is deliberately broad - spanning all domains of design,  graphics, services, apparel,  and products. The emphasis of the this is the basic design process: define, explore, select, and refine. You, the student, bring to the program a particular interests and expertise related to, for instance, furniture, fashion, architecture, or products.  All project work is evaluated by your peers -- and indeed, you will also be a peer reviewer. This format allows you to see an interesting collection of projects while getting useful feedback on your own project.



Target audience:

Who is the course for: Any one aspiring hobbyist, image retouches, a makeup artist, or an Art Director, Teachers working with photographers


Prerequisite Skills

Basic computer skills, including how to use a keyboard and mouse In this training, we'll learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop, the premiere image editing application. We'll learn how to retouch a photo while exploring the Photoshop interface and becoming more familiar with the program. We'll also work on a more complex photo compositing project, and learn about layers, selections, healing tools, and image adjustments. This is a four-week course intended for all those teachers who want to understand or improves their skill in Graphics designs and image editing, the course is purely for a beginner no prerequisite required everything to start from nothing till a project is completed.  


Session objectives: 

Duration of the Course: The objective of the seassion is to provide as much hand on approch as possible and it is project oriented taking a student from their comfort Zone to a creative levels 


Objectives of the Course

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Understand the Photoshop interface 
  • Retouch and blend two images 
  • Understand layers 
  • Use effects and filters 
  • Use the History Panel 
  • Save a file for the web 
  • Use basic healing tools 


Syllabus:    all weekly activities   


Week 1: (January 11-17) 

Week one the following will take place:

- Competency Assesment of the students

- Software inventory listing from each participants

- System Analysis of every Participant

- Introduction and my expectation from each students

- Introduction of the Topic to the stuents 

- Hand on approch on week one


Week 2: (January 18-24) Hand on Approch

- Image retouching

- Understanding the History Panel

- Adjusting light with level



Week 3: (January 25-31)

Understanding Image resolution

Compositing Images    



Week 4: (Februrary 1-7)


Retouching second Images

Building Pixel selection



Week 5: (Februrary 8-14)
Be sure to plan time in your syllabus for wrap-up and session evaluations. Don't start a new project or topic in the last week.


Placing Images

Creating reflection

Understanding Filtres

Adjusting light with level

Adding text to an Image

Adding decorative


Media:How will you communicate with participants during the session? Write in all that apply. (You don't need all of them!)  Be as specific as you are able at this stage. You may make changes during the training session. Remember: you may not require participants to pay for using these platforms. Participation in EVO is free. If you have no idea which platforms you will use, write We don’t know yet.


  • Interactive space: Utlisation of Zoom, Chat and Video Tutorial 
  • Content space (where your syllabus, readings, and videos will be)
  • Live meeting space (for synchronous events/webinars)


Other technology tools:What other technology tools will you introduce or practice with participants? (e.g., AboutMe for introductions, Audacity or Chirbit for recording audio..., etc.). You can add more or make changes during the training session. If you don't know, write "We don't know yet."


           To join Digital Imagery and Designs in  EVO 2021:

            Beginning from January 5 

  1. Go to: https://moodle4teachers.org/course/index.php?categoryid=55
  2. Click on Digital Imagery EVO21 
  3. Log in the first and each time by clicking on one of the following social icons: Facebook, Microsoft, Gmail, or LinkedIn on the login page: Login in with Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft
  4. Enrol in Digital Imagery



Suggested sponsor(s): 




Moderators: Fill in the table on the page you have created for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.


Name (last, first) Email address Location 
(country of residence)
Biodata  (max. 50 words)   Photo
Peter Omal peter.omal@emc.edu.jm Jamaica Peter Omal.  MA., BFA., BS-MIS., PGDipEd., UAV Pilot. From Kingston Jamaica ,  Lecturer of Technology in Classroom, Information Technology for Artists and Entrepreneurs, Visual Communication, Lecturer in  Graphics Designs at Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts for the last 17yrs. He also lectures at International University  of Caribbean,  Principal of Television Production and Webpage design from 2015- 2019.Peter Omal is a passionate commercial aviator (UAV) pilot over 5 yrs. He owns and operates UAV and specializes in Documentary film, presently he is exploring methods of producing excellent audio workstation. As a Lecturer, who uses Moodle as platform, he engages his students through WizIQ, ZOOM, Screencast-o-matic, and most of the Live Online Engagement tools to promote and create harmonious interactive engagement between the learner and the facilitator. Peter Omal is a proud graduate of Ohio State University(https://www.osu.edu/) University of Technology Jamaica, Edna Manley College(https://emc.edu.jm/)  

Rahalkar, Dr Anupama 


India   Anupama has a Ph.D in Education from Savitribai Phule Pune University, 25 years of experience as a School Teacher, and as Lecturer and Assistant Professor in Teacher Training College and running own business for several years. Presently, Anupama works as School Consultant and Corporate Trainer. She is developing learning material for online and offline education   
Mushtakhusen S.M. mushtakhusen.sm@gmail.com India Mushtakhusen SM is an Assistant Professor at ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad, India. He teaches management graduates and undergraduates and handles courses in Business Communication and Soft Skills. He has over 17 years of experience in academics as well as industry. His area of interest is Business Communication, Cross-cultural Communication, Intercultural Competence, Global Skills, 21st Century Skills, Employability Skills, Online Learning-Teaching, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Wellness, etc. 


Primary Contact: 

Peter Omal 





By allowing your name to be put forward as co-moderator of this session

you acknowledge the following:


  • I understand that session first-time moderators are required and returning moderators are encouraged to participate in the 5-week Moderators' Development Session from October 18 until November 15, 2021.
  • I am available to actively engage in the EVO session I have agreed to co-moderate between January 9 and February 14, 2021. 
  • I further understand that 
    • EVO sessions are free of advertising and commercial sponsorship.
    • EVO sessions are free and open to all
    • No academic credit may be given for participation.

         We understand and agree-   Omal, Peter

                                                       Rahalkar, Dr Anupama

                                                       Mushtakhusen S.M 


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